Bridges to Home
Home-like Skilled Nursing Care for Medically Fragile Children
Ashley House is a nonprofit with thirty years of experience caring for children with complex medical needs and caring for families as their kids transition from hospital to home. We have partnered with Seattle Children’s Hospital to develop Bridges to Home, which will be the first pediatric skilled nursing facility in Washington State. Bridges to Home will provide fifteen beds with 24/7 skilled nursing services for children.
Kids with medically complex needs are “difficult to discharge” because our region has no skilled nursing facility dedicated to children. Hospital care for medically complex children can exceed $10,000 per day, and there is a waiting list for pediatric hospital beds. Seattle Children’s had more than 1500 “avoidable days” last year, when children were ready but could not discharge because no facility could provide 24/7 nursing and other essential supports. Many pediatric providers and payers are seeking a solution.
Bridges to Home will provide appropriate care at a much lower cost in the community. Services will include care for children using ventilators, dialysis, feeding tubes and other complex treatments. Parents will be able to learn how to provide care in a home-like setting, where siblings and loved ones can visit. Social workers will help plan kids’ transitions and nursing care and case management will follow families home.
Location: 18904 Burke Ave. N, Shoreline, WA 98133
Capital need: $4.74 million
Property: Purchased for $1.3 million. Zoning and usage approved by City of Shoreline. Homeowner’s association in strong support.
Operations: The facility will serve about 45 patients annually, with an annual budget of $7 million and 40-45 FTEs including 32 direct care staff. Medical and Program directors and project managers have been hired.
Partners: Children’s Hospital contributed a gift of $1 million to assist in development, construction and operations; providing medical director. HCA planning a special daily rate. DSHS approved regulatory framework. DOH has granted the certificate of need.
Mike Pugsley (253) 691-4578;
Ken Maaz (206) 679-4971;
The facility includes 8,630 square feet of interior space, with a 2844 square foot drive-through underground garage with parking for 8 cars, plus six outside parking spaces.