We are here to support your family needs.
At Ashley House we want to make it as easy as possible for you to benefit from our services. If you need us give us a call. We will help you through the process, answer all of your questions and offer you a chance to visit any of our houses and meet some of our staff.
At Ashley House we maintain relationships with providers, hospitals, insurance companies, and community agencies to make admission to Ashley House as seamless as possible.
We realize every situation is different. Don’t worry about the paperwork or the funding. We’ll help you sort that out. That’s what we’re here for.
To inquire about Ashley House services, contact Julianna Allison:
253.392.2643 jallison@ah-nw.org
If a child is hospitalized
Talk with the hospital social worker, care coordinator, or physician and tell them that you want more information about Ashley House. The hospital team will contact Ashley House about your family and child’s needs.
Ashley House will work with the hospital team and you to determine how we can best meet the needs of your child and your family. We will discuss your child’s diagnosis, clinical needs, and more.
We will work with you to help coordinate the various medical insurance benefit programs.
Before your child comes to Ashley House, we will have arranged the necessary medical paperwork as well as the supplies, equipment and medications necessary for their care. We will work with the various physicians to coordinate care and arrange appointments. Once all these arrangements have been made, a date and time will be planned to transition you and your family to Ashley House.
If a child is at home
Once you contact us, our Clinical and Social Work teams will begin preparing to address your family’s and child’s needs. We will work with the physician to coordinate the care for your child. We will work with you to help coordinate the various medical insurance benefit programs. Once all these arrangements have been made, a date and time will be planned to transition you and your family to Ashley House.
We understand how difficult it is to integrate your family, child and treating medical professionals with Ashley House. It can be difficult logistically and emotionally. Our goal is to assure your child’s medical and personal safety while empowering you to be your child’s parent and advocate. We begin planning your child’s move home with family before the child arrives at Ashley House.
Questions or to be added to the waitlist at any location:
Contact Julianna Allison: